While working on custom pipeline component , I had to create GUID for that particular component.
It's very easy ,
1. Go to Tools from Visual Studio Menu Bar
2. Select Create GUID
3. Window will appear which gives options for creating New GUID , Copy and Exit
4. It allows to select the format out of four options
6. Click on the ellipsis and browse to location"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\guidgen.exe"
7.Click ok
8.Go to Tools from Visual Studio Menu Bar
9.Now you can see GUID Generator
Will keep on posting as an when I find something to share!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's very easy ,
1. Go to Tools from Visual Studio Menu Bar
2. Select Create GUID
3. Window will appear which gives options for creating New GUID , Copy and Exit
4. It allows to select the format out of four options
But, when I selected Tools - there was no Create GUID available. Well don't know why(if found reason - will update here)
Solution to this is to add the GUID generator to Tools.
1. Go to Tools from Visual Studio Menu Bar
2. Select External Tools
3.Click on Add button
4.Give name to tool against the Title label(I have used GUID generator)
5.Next is provide Command, it is here where the path of guidgen.exe is provided.6. Click on the ellipsis and browse to location"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\guidgen.exe"
7.Click ok
8.Go to Tools from Visual Studio Menu Bar
9.Now you can see GUID Generator
If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to do in comments section below !!!
Do share if you find this helpful .......
Knowledge Sharing is Caring !!!!!!