This post intends to cover the answers to orchestration related questions, which a BizTalk developer can face during an interview.
Questions and answers:
1. How are messages created in an orchestration?
You construct a message any time that you introduce a message into your
orchestration, either by receiving it or by assigning values to a message
variable (see MSDN Constructing
There are several ways to create a new instance of a message in an
orchestration, see Michael Stephenson blog post Message Construction in an Orchestration

2. Where is information about promoted properties
The information about the promoted properties is extracted and stored in the
bts_DocumentSpec table in the Management database.
3. What is message metadata?
The message metadata is called Context Properties and on receiving the message,
both the adapter and the pipeline will add information to the context.
4. Can we use message metadata
in Orchestration?
5. How does Orchestration
subscribes to messages?
In Orchestration, the first Receive shape is responsible for creating a
subscription. Following two properties are involved in it,
o Message : This
tells what message this Orchestration is subscribing to
o Activate : This
tells to consume the message when found in a MessageBox
6. Design patterns in
One of the best practices when implementing orchestrations is to use
orchestration patterns when possible. These patterns are basically design pattern,
which is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a
given context of BizTalk orchestration. This article will provide some useful
resource links to aid you in using patterns when implementing an orchestration.
See TechNet Wiki articles BizTalk Server 2010: Orchestration Patterns and BizTalk: Enterprise Integration Patterns.
7. Types of messages?
Two types of message
o Typed message : A message created in
Orchestration is bound to the schema
o Untyped message : A message is
bound to System.Xml.XmlDocument instead of the schema.
8. How to load message in a
It can be done using the LoadXml method. Say xmlDoc is a variable then
following is done to load employee message.
9. Can recursion be achieved in
10. What is binding?
The term binding refers to the configuration of orchestration ports in order to
control the creation of subscriptions and/or promoted properties. Binding is
used to control how messages will be routed to or from orchestration ports by
the subscription mechanism.
11. To which scope compensation block can be
A scope configured
as Atomic or Long running can have
compensation blocks added, but scopes that are configured with no Transaction
type cannot.
12. Is it necessary for all .Net
components being called from orchestration to be serializable?
Yes it is necessary (good practice) for all .Net
components being called to be serializable. If not then Atomic scope is to be
used which has its own limits.
13. Is it
possible : Orchestration A calls another Orchestration B
and vice versa?
No it is not, since it forms cyclic dependency.
14. What is XLANG and where it is
XLANG/s can be viewed as a messaging language with some of
the expression capabilities of C#. However, code is not portable
between XLANG/s and C#. The language is used for orchestrations. XLANG/s
statements generally fall into one of two categories: simple statements that
act on their own, such as receive or send, and
complex statements that contain or group either simple statements or other
complex statements, such as scope, parallel, and listen.
The semantics embodied in XLANG/s are a reflection of those defined in the
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) specification
published by Microsoft, IBM, and BEA for the definition of business process
semantics. See MSDN XLANG/s

15. Can we prevent Orchestration
from entering a suspended state?
Any exception which is not caught within the exception handlers of the
orchestration causes the orchestration instance to be moved to the Suspended state.
By applying the appropriate error handling in an orchestration it can be
prevented entering the Suspended state.
16. What is persistence point?
At various points within a running orchestration the state can persist. See
MSDN Persistence and the Orchestration Engine

17. XMLDocument is
non-serializable still it's called without atomic scope with no error, why?
It is
the only exception to the requirement of types for variables having to be
serializable and treated as special case. See more here

18. What is the maximum number of
properties that can be used in correlation set?
The correlation set can have a maximum of three properties used for correlation
on the receive shapes.
19. Can an Atomic scope can have
an exception handler of their own?
No, it can only have a Compensation Block.
20. Pro's and Con's of Direct
bounded to any physical port (explicitly)
lead to subscribing to messages published by another publisher
21. Can orchestration use
components other than listed in Toolbox?
Yes. It is possible to use components like pipeline, business rule policy, .net
component etc.
22. When is convoy used?
The convoy is used to receive multiple messages in sequence or parallel to
achieve a goal/result.
23. Is it possible to enforce
Orchestration to behave in singleton way?
Yes it is possible with the help of correlation.
24. Where is BTS.SPID and
BTS.ReceivePortID used?
It is used in Specify Later port binding option. In this model the
orchestration ports are bound to messaging ports using BTS.SPID,BTS.ReceivePortID
or other related properties.
25. When is property
"Synchronized=true" used?
When a variable is shared across the branches of parallel shape.
26. What is the maximum number of
branches that can be used in a parallel shape?
There are no limitations on the number of branches which can be used in a
parallel shape.
27. Which language does
expression shape support?
Expression shape allows for writing XLANG/S statements that provide C# -like
coding capabilities.
28. What is relation between Orchestration
instance and correlation?
Correlation is the process of matching an incoming message with the appropriate
instance of an Orchestration.
29. What are the ways to add properties in
Promoting a node to a property field means to make a node value available in
the context of the message.Adapters and pipeline components write in the
30. What is the difference between written
property and promoted property?
Promoted properties can be used as criteria in message routing
while written properties cannot. Property field is
a Promoted Property in the context. Distinguished field is a Written
property in the context.
31. What is correlation type?
A correlation type is a list of properties that eventually populates with
values for use in routing messages.
32. What are conditional persistence
The Receive shape, Listen Branch and Delay shape are conditional persistence
33. What are Scopes used for?
Scopes are used for following reasons:
. To configure transaction (long running and
To handle exceptions
To trigger compensating
34. Which shapes are used to implement
"AND" and "OR" situation in Orchestration?
Parallel Action shape
is used for a AND situation whereas Listen shape is used
for OR situation.
35. Which scope can have an Exception Handling?
A scope configured
with the transaction type of None or Long running
can have exception handling added but not Atomic scope.
36. Is it possible to get an exception object from
General Exception?
No. General exception
in BizTalk is similar to writing a Try-Catch block but without the exception
object thus not possible to get the exception object.
37. What's the main difference between Call and
Start Orchestration?
Calling an orchestration will use the same thread to run another orchestration
while using Start Orchestration will create a new thread to run the started
A Call Orchestration returns the control back to the caller. A Start
Orchestration shape starts the orchestration in a non-deterministic way.
As a conclusion, Calling an Orchestration will be synchronous operation where
the caller waits for a response, while Start Orchestration
is asynchronous operation. See more here

38. What are the different types of transactions
available for orchestration?
Unlike traditional programming, BizTalk Server supports two distinct types of
transactions: atomic and long-running. See more here

39. Is it possible to skip any particular
orchestration from getting compiled?
Yes it is possible. You can do so by setting "Build Action" property
of that orchestration to "None". By default value of this property is
40. When a persistence point occurs at the
Orchestration level?
The engine will save the state of an orchestration in the following
o Send Shape (after a message is sent)
o Start Orchestration Shape
o Suspend Shape
o End of a Transactional Scope (atomic or
o An Orchestration Debugger breakpoint is hit
o Orchestration Engine determines that the
instance needs to be dehydrated
o When the Orchestration Engine is shut down; through
the controlled shutdown of the host or abnormal circumstances. The engine tries
to persist but if that fails, the Orchestration instance will resume from the
last successful persistence point.
See more here

41. Can persistence point occur in the Delay or
Receive shape?
Yes, but only if the Orchestration Engine determines that the instance needs to
be dehydrated.
42. Is it possible to use Message Assignment shape
and Transform shape individually?
No, it is not
possible, Transform and Message assignment shape must run under construct
43. Is it possible to use IF Then Else logic
inside the Message Assignment?
No, It is not possible to use the If Then Else Logic inside the message
Assignment. It has to be used in the expression shape.
44. How to Promote Property inside an
The Orchestration can
not promote the properties to message context by default like pipelines can do
by using the msg.Context.Promote() method. Inside Orchestration one has to
create a correlation set and intialize that correlation set while publishing
the message. Then the BizTalk Engine will promote the property to the message
If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to do in comments section below !!!
Do share if you find this helpful .......
Knowledge Sharing is Caring !!!!!!
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